Sunday 12 May 2013


Nothing much going on lately. Which probably just means that something bad is going to happen soon. I saw Slendy today. It was....... interesting. I mean, I think this is the first time I've seen Him since Strider made me a Seeker. it was very disorienting, to say the least. 

I've been getting Ravens at my window with little messages for a while now. Their level of concern for me is disturbing. They still see me as part of the Family. Unless they're on-duty. In which case, they try to kill me.

Still having nightmares. Died again last night, as always. But I'm going to figure out how to live. It has to be possible.

On a side note, I really like coffee. It helps me stay awake.



  1. The 'live' option in dreams like this always seems to be something nonintuitive, out of the box and metaphorical. What have/haven't you tried?

    1. Okay, so the sequence of events is pretty much the same, even if the events themself are different.

      2)a choice has to be made. Either the path breaks in two, or the chasm stands in the way. The chasm is in all of the dreams.

      The girl always shows up at number 2, or, in one case, at number 3. If I can't make the descision on my own, she'll start dragging me towards one. I usually follow her.

      I've only really escaped the sequence once. I can post about it, I guess. All I really did differently was leave the girl to die at number two and then I didn't hide. Or escape. There was an escape option in that dream.

    2. Damn, bit of a sadistic choice, there.

      Part of me is going 'attack the beast!', but that's the same part that said 'capture Slenderman!' and 'sure, you can lose an eye'. Take its advice with a grain of salt, is what I'm saying.
