Friday 10 May 2013


I run and run and run. Don't look back, they'll see you. They'll see you. The glowing path twists wildly, trying to confuse me, remove me from it, send me flying alone into the Dark. The horse comes closer, I can hear it. Don't look back, never look back. My legs hate me, I can't keep running, no more running. Don't stop. Stop and you're dead. They're going to kill me anyways.... No! Keep running keep running.
The path breaks off. It's the chasm again. So deep. Imposibly deep. And wide. Too far to jump. JUMP JUMP THEY'LL CATCH YOU.
I jump, don't land, hit the wall of the cliff on the other side. Look for the rope. The rope can help. There is no rope. SCREAM HELP PLEASE GOD HELP
No one hears. Alone. Completely alone. A voice, though... A voice above. It's her. It's the girl. Always her. Always the same. Do I know you? Take the rope. She has the rope. Pulls me up. we run run run run run run run run run run run run RUN.
It doesn't help. It never helps. Stupid for thinking it would. There's a building. Old, vey old. Old as the Dark. Run inside.
Girl pushes me. Shouts. HIDE HIDE HIDE HIDE HIDE. We run. We hide hide hide hide. It won't help. Can't stop shaking. Shaking shaking. It's not cold. But the Fear. The Fear is so powerful. Door opens. Crawl further under the bed. It can't see me can't see me can't see me can't see me. Thick grey boots. Moving closer closer. Stops. Whole world freezes. Girl looks so scared, I hold her hand. 
Still shaking. Hand reaches under and grabs me. I try not to scream. I do anyway. It pulls me up and smiles. Grey face, grey eyes. No hair. Teeth are jagged and yellow. It smiles and thrusts it's sword into my stomach. THE PAIN GOD PAIN HURTS SO MUCH. It laughs. So cold and eerie. Bleeding on the ground. It pulls out the girl. I try to scream NO NO NOT HER NO. It does anyway. Worse, though. Bites into her neck and shakes her like a doll. She's dead much faster. Smiles bloody teeth at me. Takes sword. Cuts me again and again and again and again and again. Blood everywhere. Painted on the walls, leaking out of me, draining away. THE PAIN! IT HURTS! IT STILL HURTS! Finally lets me die. Walks away as I close my eyes, laughing.

And then.... I woke up.


  1. D: Not good. Not good at all.

    1. Yeah... I've been having this kind of nightmare every night for almost a month now. They're always different, but that girl is always in them. I've never actually lived in one of them.

    2. I recommend sleeping pills. They tend not to let you dream.

      I wonder who she is.

    3. I hate sleeping pills. Always make me groggy and it's impossible to sleep lightly with them.

      As for the girl... I wish I knew her name. She seems so familiar....
