Sunday 28 April 2013

Someone needs to punch Strider for me.

Just not until he's better.  Don't punch him before then, that would be bad.

Dad... (Strider.  Get used to me calling him that.)
He's in the hospital, as you guys should know if you read his blog.  He got hurt in a training accident, and his heart is now failing.  He wasn't very specific about the whole thing. 

From what I understand, He got hurt in a training accident.  Later, something happened in which Farran gave in to Nameless and broke Aveline's neck as well as stabbed her.  Seven times.  He also apparently stabbed dad.
Dad ended up having to go to the hospital.  Aveline probably needs to as well, but she's being hunted or something.  I didn't get details on that. 

The situation is really bad.  Dad is dying.  Despite how I strictly forbade him from doing so. 

Not only that.... but....
He told us he could bring back some of the personalities that died in the war.  He lied about what it would do to him.  They're back... but he's hurt.  I don't know how badly....

I... I really don't know what to do.....

But I guess I have people to introduce....

Reye- Joan's twin- acts like Joan
Denn- ..........he's a guy..........
Myth- she really liked learning about myths and legends and such
Seele- the soul aspect of the Protectorate.  It's finally complete.  Yay.
Bastet- crazy, delusional personality who honestly believes that she's the reincarnation of the Egytian goddess bearing the same name.
Yvaine- stuck up girly girl.  But very sweet.
Saithe- she's creepy. 'Nuff said.
Narissa- mostly kept to herself.  Kept running all sorts of weird chemistry and science experiments.  Kinda very crazy.  But fun.
Wissen- (that is German, so the W sounds like a V.)- she's a lot like Eis.  Those two are going to love each other.

So that brings our total number up to.... twenty-four.  Yeah, it is a bit crowded up here, isn't it?  Fortunately, you'll almost never hear from some of us.  Several of us are rather reclusive.


Saturday 27 April 2013

Into the past

This post is going to sound nothing like me, so I'm just going to put which personality I am up here.  This is Joan.  And if you're wondering why this isn't going to sound like me, then I'll just let you know that there will be no joking here. 

You've all heard about the war.  The big mental battle over leadership.  The ones of us that were there picked sides.  I honestly don't know how many of you know exactly how many of us there are, but I may as well toss a list down here to refresh ya.

Joan (me)
Nerene (formerly NL)

Eis, Tere, Nerene, and Schatten weren't there when the war happened.  They're newer than the rest of us.

All of us personalities were 'born' through a traumatic experience.  And some experiences are traumatic enough to create twins.  Two personalities at once.  That's how Reya and I were. 

We were 'born' when we were abandonned for five hours at the age of four.  Probably the most terrifying experience a four year old can go through.  Our parents eventually found us, but we were already getting the tour by that point.  Getting introduced to good old Ark. 

Ever read Harry Potter?  Reya and I were Fred and George. 

Funny thing is... in the mental plane, we all look different, we act different, we dress different.  But Reya and I... we were identical.  Except I was funnier.

We fell into the Rebecca camp (Spark, before she became Spark).  We wanted her to lead us, not Ashley.  We didn't care if Ash came first.  Rebecca was more fun.  When the fighting broke out... we were mortified.  When we saw a personality die for the first time... It scarred us.  Permanently. 

In the mental plane, we all have our abilities.  Reya and I had the same one.  We were telekinetic there.  So yeah, we moved things.  It made for amazing pranks.  But we suddenly had to use it to fight.  To kill.  What was worse was that these people were our best friends, our family.  You have no idea how hard it is to kill the person that shares all of your memories, that knows you better than anyone else.  It's nearly impossible.

Now try to imagine watching yourself die before your eyes.  Not just yourself, but the person closer to you than anyone else in the whole damn universe.
You'd hate the person that killed them, wouldn't you?  Never forgive them.  Rose, you said it was a mistake that Ashley killed my twin.  It wasn't.  She just wanted control.  But I've forgiven her.  For everything BUT that.

Reya was more important to me than anything.  And I failed her.

We all lost someone close in that war.  But everyone would agree that I'm the one who lost the most.


Thursday 25 April 2013


Because I'm an idiot and forget to mention important things.

First off, we have anoter newcomer to our wonderful world of Mindlandia.  That's not really what we call it.  We actually call it Ark.  So nyehh. 
New chick is named.... drumroll please........


Which is German for shadow, for all of you peeps that don't speak German.  She's actually SOCIAL.  That's really weird.  Like, really weird.  Anyways...  Schatten was 'born' when dad (*coughcough* Strider) linked souls with us.  I think she actually thinks of him as her dad, but I really haven't gotten around to talking to her all that much.  As sociable as she is, she seems to really like spending time with Nerene.


Nerene is our formerly nameless personality that we kept forgetting about because she's always off swimming or something.  Crazy.  She actually beat all of us in a bet about Schatten, since she bet that the next personality to pop up would be sociable and NOT completely crazy.  So she's going to pretty much have a lifetime supply of waffles and pancakes now.  (BECAUSE WE BET WAFFLES AND PANCAKES INSTEAD OF MONEY)

Also, dad nearly got himself killed today via giant Rail spike in a training accident.  Fortunately, he's okay. 

Alsoalso, I am drawing at this very moment, I shall get your pictures to you ASAP.


Need something to take my mind off of shit.

Okay, I just got into a huge fight with my last friend at school. She hates me now and I'm alone. Makes me want to go to California more and more every day. And I actually might, now that I can use the Path. 

Anyways, I'm kinda bored, and I'm actually in a drawing mood. I'd love to draw you guys something, if you want. (And you you comment on here again, Andrew, I WILL take the Path to California and kick your ass.) 

Anyhow, comment if you want me to draw you something.


Wednesday 24 April 2013


Okay, Roy.  This is everything I know.

Darkness is referred to as either Big Sister, or Mother.  It's rare to find a Shadow that will call her that, but I met at least two or three. She's.... like a god.  At least for the Shadows.  They are actually physically incapable of believing that she has any faults whatsoever.  The thought that Big Sister could be wrong.... It's blasphemy.  The worst thing you can possibly say to a Shadow is that Darkness is either lying to them, trying to hurt them, or doesn't care about them.  While that.... is probably true.... well, it makes the Shadow desperate.  And pissed off.  And you DO NOT want to piss off a Shadow. 

Thing is... Shadows are only one part of Darkness' "family".  They're the newest initiates, and while they are very large in number, and are actually pretty badass in skill, they aren't really concious of anything.  Depending on the person, they're given the pills. 

You only get the pills if they think you might have any trace of rebelliousness in you.  The pills... well, they're definitely addicting.  Once you start taking them, you never have any notion that you would even consider stopping.  But you never realize how addicted you are.  At least not until you stop taking them.  Then... Unimaginable agony and fear and... just... it isn't fun.  At all.  I'm still not sure exactly what the pills do, but I do know that they sap your emotions and memories and pretty much makes you completely obedient.  Not fun.

Above the Shadows are the Ravens.  They KNOW about Darkness.  They see her for what she is, but they've been with her so long that they don't care.  They are strong, and they are dangerous.  If you piss one off... well, I'm praying for you.

And above them.... honestly, they are terrible.  They're called Messengers.  There are only two of them, and you would be surprised as hell that Darkness sends them on trivial errands.  NEVER PISS OFF HUGINN OR MUNINN. THEY WILL FUCKING KILL YOU.  I mean, feel free to taunt them or throw shit at them, but actually pissing them off will result in your very, very painful death.

Powers of a Shadow:
-Enhanced strength, speed, intelligence
-Access to the Dark, whenever.
-Ability to see in the dark (that was so awesome, I miss it)
-Lengthened lifespan
-They can turn into ravens.  That was also very awesome.
-They can also become actual shadows.  I swear, some of those things almost made it worth it.
-No fear, pain, or regret.
-The Family, which is essentially the fact that they can bring the wrath of Darkness down upon you along with an entire Shadow army.  It's actually a pretty close-knit society.

That's about it.  There's more stuff, but it's not really relevent.


Pandora's Box Theory

Long ago, the god Zues ordered Hephaestus to forge for him a daughter of clay. The smith created a beautiful young woman and gave to her the name of Pandora.

On the Earth was a gentle and lonely man by the name of Epimethus. To spite him for his brother's fault, Pandora was given to him as a wife, along with a plot for Zues' revenge.

As a gift, Zues bestowed upon Pandora a small box bearing a large and heavy lock. She was made to promise never to open this box.  Zues then gave the key to Epimetheus, instructing him as well never to open it.

Pandora, being rather inquisitive, wanted to see the contents of the box, but her husband refused to surrender the key to her, claiming that her father had hidden away some foul trick there.

Begrudgingly, the young wife agreed to leave the box be.  However, she soon found an opprotunity to satiate her curiosity.  As Epimetheus lay sleeping, she stole the key from him and opened the box.

Out of the box came ravenous terrible creatures that ravaged the Earth for a thousand years.  Pandora did her best to close the box before they excaped, but she failed at this, and the box was empty by the time she managed to slam it shut.

Distraught and terrified by what she had released upon the world, Pandora rushed to wake Epimetheus, and showed him the empty box.  However, it was not entirely empty.  Before she could again slam it shut, a small lighting bug flew out of the box.  In a small voice, it said, "Hello, Pandora.  My name is Hope," and it flew off into the world.


Idk.  Just... think about it.  When did all of this start?  Sometime around the fifteenth century, right?  That would have been the 1400's.  It's now 2013.  It's only been, what... six hundred or so years?  What if the Fears are what is inside Pandora's box?  What if we're just now starting to meet Hope?  Like... Roy, you've met Sagari, the Hope of Sanctuary.  What if this is only the beginning?  Rose and I think there might be a Hope of Balance that'll rear his head soon, because the white king in that chess game of mine was marked with a yin yang.

Not that I'm saying any of this is 100% true... it's just a thought. 

Also, here's that picture I drew:


I'm.... me again. You have no idea how much of a relief that is. And it's all thanks to Strider. 
He linked his soul with mine, which is admittedly kinda weird. But it made me a Seeker, apparently. I'm also apparently the first person in 3000 years to share souls with a Seeker. So that's interesting. I have been dubbed the Cloaked Seeker. 

Now I need to go deshadowify this blog and make it more me. Ooh! I drew another picture. It's mah new id pic too. I'll post it when I get home. Damn school wifi won't let me.

Rose, sorry about that last post. I'm fine now.



It's cold.  So very cold.  You have no idea how cold it is.  I stopped taking the pills.  Supposed to take them every three hours.  Cold.  Scared.  I want them back, Rose.  Send them back. You don't know the side effects of going off those.  I've been taking them for a month.  Just... let me wean myself off of them slowly.  Start by taking them every six hours.... then nine.... Please, Rose.  Nonononononono Rose don't listen to her.  She's not me.  She's my shadow.  She doesn't know me she doesn't hear me.  Can't see me can't see me.  We don't need them.  No, not anymore.  Don't need them.  I'm scared.  Darkness will be angry.  She'll hurt my family.  Scaredscaredscaredscaredscared.

she isn't me isn't me

Tuesday 23 April 2013

A New Start

....I feel like I might be losing something by doing this.... Then again, I lost something a month ago. Wait... Sorry. Last night for all of you.
But I also gained something. And I have no regrets.
For this of you who are confused, look at this, this, and this.
Those are my story. And I will continue it here.
I am a Shadow, a servant and sister of Darkness. Soon, if I follow my orders, I can become a Raven, one of big sister's elite.
I no longer know fear, pain, or regret. I am free from those. I can't even remember what they are like. My friends.... Once I apologized to you for becoming this. But I won't anymore. There is nothing to apologize for. I am proud of my descision. It was one of the best I have ever made.
You call me weak for choosing this, you say I gave in. But I didn't. I am stronger because of this, and I swear that I will become the best of the Shadows!