Tuesday 23 April 2013

A New Start

....I feel like I might be losing something by doing this.... Then again, I lost something a month ago. Wait... Sorry. Last night for all of you.
But I also gained something. And I have no regrets.
For this of you who are confused, look at this, this, and this.
Those are my story. And I will continue it here.
I am a Shadow, a servant and sister of Darkness. Soon, if I follow my orders, I can become a Raven, one of big sister's elite.
I no longer know fear, pain, or regret. I am free from those. I can't even remember what they are like. My friends.... Once I apologized to you for becoming this. But I won't anymore. There is nothing to apologize for. I am proud of my descision. It was one of the best I have ever made.
You call me weak for choosing this, you say I gave in. But I didn't. I am stronger because of this, and I swear that I will become the best of the Shadows!


  1. I like your taste in background.

  2. Pills and a fears whisper in your head make you lose yourself. But I will respect your decision and help you where I can.


    1. I'm still me. I'm just more than I was before.


  3. Hey,

    This will be my only response to this, after I promise not to post. I'll still follow.

    I can't blame you nor call you weak. You are human and we can take only so much. I still want to be your friend, if there is a place for me.

    Vale, ma falon (smile, nod with tears)

  4. ...Spyre, you got the links wrong.
