Sunday 5 May 2013

Actual Explaination

Shit.  I have to say taking too much medication and blood loss kinda make one a tad delirious.  The meds have worn off some, but I found some stuff that helps big time.  Hurts like hell to apply it, and changing bandages is like gnawing off a leg, but it's worth it. 
I.... kinda have been stealing stuff left and right.  I hate getting back into this habit, even if it's useful.
But you guys probably want the whole story.  Might be long and potentially gruesome.

Day before yesterday... Friday, I woke up in a hotel.  Had no idea where I was.  Someone had already stabbed me by that point, in the stomach.  The wasn't overly deep, and it looked like I had stitched it up myself.  Thank you mom for teaching me how to sew, and thank you grandma for teaching me first aid.  Family can be cool.
I went and did a supply tally first, before I did anything else. I came up having my sketch pad, my tablet, my journal, my phone, that knitting stuff I got ages ago but am just now learning to use, and a few days worth of clothes.  Nothing in the way of weapons.  That worried me.  A lot. 

I mean, I always have at least three knives on me.  Not telling you where, though.  Not exactly like that helped.  I had nothing.  Not even Blitz (my staff).

I went down to the front desk to find out where I was, and how/when I checked in.  Also to get the wifi code.  Which is SEAWORLD in case any of you ever feel like leeching off this hotel's wifi.  I'm in San Antonio, which is maybe six-seven hours from home.  I apparently was brought in by my 'boyfriend' after having 'passed out in the car'.  Naturally, my 'boyfriend' was mute, and the guy at the front desk said they had to do all sorts of stuff to get a translator for sign language. 

The guy at the desk kinda leaned over and looked me over carefully before muttering, "Your boyfriend said to tell you he'd be back soon, if you got worried." I just shrugged it off and mumbled a thank you before heading back up to the room.  I was in the closet packing when I heard the door open.  I closed the closet as quietly as I could and posted so that there was some chance of a 'if I die, at least you know how' thing. 

Guy opened up the door and I went full-on assualt.  Seeing as I was injured, more traditional fighting styles kinda gave way to biting kicking and clawing.  Particularly at his chest and face. I..... kinda mutilated the guy..... I feel terrible about that.  Of course, I heisitated and he decided to put a knife firmly in my ribs.  I then felt the need to knock him out and tie him to the bed with power cords.  I wasn't exactly thinking about how that would cause tech issues at the time.

I had torn my stitches fighting him, and I was losing a lot of blood, fast.  I left the knife in, not wanting to lose more blood. Long story short, I stitched myself up, screamed a bit, and remembered to deadbolt the room door and lock myself in the bathroom before passing out.  When I woke up, the guy was still in the room, tied to the bed, and looking more than awake.  I sat down at the foot of the bed and stared him down for a while before leaving for a bit to get some stuff.  I apologized at the front desk for noise, and the guy just gave me a 'whuh?' look.  I took that to meant that it hadn't been as loud as I'd thought. 

I wandered around town for a long while, which hurt like hell, and I got back into my klepto abilities.... which I am ashamed of.  But I stole new power cords.  And rope.  And some guy's laptop.  And dude! I hope your parent's never looked at your browser history.  I mean, wow.
I also got some meds and supplies while I was out, though I am about 98% positive that I took too many. 

When I got back, I cleaned the guy up, gave him a few bandages and such.  I mean, he may have kidnapped me and brought me to a hotel, but I did seriously fuck with him.  I feel really bad about that.  I talked at him for a while.  Then.... I don't know.... I just snapped.  I couldn't....

I don't want to describe it.

I stitched him up after.... and then I cried myself to sleep after making that last post.  Though I was on skype for a bit.  Not that I got to talk to anyone.
On a side note, hotel breakfasts are the best things ever.  I brought back a crapload of food too.  But especially some pudding and fruit juice for him.  He ate, which was probably the weirdest thing ever.  I mean, the guy had no tongue.  And I had to feed him, because I was not willing to untie him. 

I don't know who he's working for, but he's definitely a proxy of some Fear or the other.  I'm about to go through his bag now to see if there's anything useful here. I'll post again later, he's making this weird whiny noise.



  1. You shouldn't feel ashamed of your klepto ability. We do what we must to survive. I'm really glad your okay.

    1. My only issue is that my taking requires a person that is losing. Having been stolen from, I know how much it sucks.

      Any idea what to do with this guy?


    2. well you have a few options....

      1. kill him(while gruesome its simple and eliminates the threat of him coming for you later.)

      2. interrogation (ruled out unless you know sign language.)

      3. just leave him there at the hotel tied up and leave.

    3. We know sign language. We just don't trust him enough to untie his hands. And We will not kill him. You don't kill someone that is tied up and unarmed. That is just not how it's done.
      Before we were ever handed a sword or staff, we were taught that knowing how to use a weapon does not mean one should seek to. Violence breeds violence. Honor is neccessary if we truly want to win this fight. The thing we are truly fighting for is our hummanity, and they are stealing that from us slowly. We don't kill people, it's why we use a staff. Break every bone in their bodies, yes. Kill, no.


  2. Then do that cripple him just so he cant come after you.

    1. O_O oh god, Logic took over. So sorry.

      I think I'll untie his hands for a little bit. At gunpoint, seeing as I found one in his bag.


